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Thanks to Justin @ United Trades Bowmanville

What to Do With Your Air Conditioning When You Go on Vacation?

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If you will go on a vacation, your goal is probably to relax and travel, and lowering your utility bills might not really cross your mind. However, did you know that you can adjust your thermostat before leaving and remove a big chunk out of your electric bill even as you get your well-deserved break?

How High Could You Really Go?

Probably the most crucial thing to consider when you adjust the thermostat when you go on a vacation is if any of your pets will stay at home. Your pets also need fresh air just like you do, not to mention that they are prone to heat-related problems. This is why it is a must to keep your AC on. However, unless your pet suffers from a medical condition which will put them at higher risk, it is best to set your thermostat to as much as 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You can draw you shades in windows that face the sun to help your home stay cool during daytime.

If there are no pets to be left behind, you can always set your thermostat higher, but it must not be turned off completely. Your house can transform into a sauna if there is stagnant air in the midst of summer, which can possibly cause serious damage to wallpaper, sheetrock, drywall, and wood. This can lead to accelerated wear in the compressor of your refrigerator and can even lead to a breakdown. Delicate houseplants, artwork, wine bottles, makeup, and other items in your household can become a victim of steamy days.

For you to avoid it, just set your thermostat to 85 degrees. For those who live in particularly humid climate, you could set the temperature several degrees lower for your AC to run a bit more often. This is because your AC not just cools the air for it also gets rid of humidity as well. Too much humidity can cause the formation of mildew or mold while you are away.

How About for Winter Vacations?

If your trip is scheduled for winter or late fall, similar basic principles are also applied. A house with pets has to stay warm in an empty house although the most comfortable is 65 degrees. An empty house could be set to as low as 50 degrees. A primary concern with very low temperatures is frozen water pipes and not deterioration of home items. If you got pipes which can go beyond the treated air in your house, you can take several steps to prevent any freezing.

Other Options

There is nothing wrong if you adjust the temperature upon walking out your door and lowering it once you get back, but you are still going to arrive at an overly hot house. When there is someone who can feed your pets or collect your mail, you can request them to reduce the temperature on your date of return to avoid it. However, a more convenient way for ensuring a comfortable homecoming is to make use of a smart or programmable thermostat. There are thermostats that will let you program a lower temperature for a certain date in the future.